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The Prospecting Blueprint

Learn the repeatable step-by-step prospecting system that helped me source $4M in pipeline and $2M ARR as a BDR - 100% outbound.

What you'll get:

✔️The first 4 steps of my 8-Step Framework from zero to 6-figures in revenue

✔️7 exercises to immediately apply learnings

✔️Lifetime access to all videos

✔️Slide deck for download

✔️5 personal sales assets

Refund policy: If you watched all the videos, downloaded all the sales assets and completed all the exercises, and you still see no results after 30 days I will issue a 100% refund.

What People Are Saying:

Already thanks to Christian’s previous SalesNavigator Playbook I have been able to win the Net New Logo competition at Remote closing 28 New Logos alone in Q4! Knowing that next year I will be focusing on a new Hunter role and that Christian is at the top of the Sales game, it was clear to me that I had to buy his new Prospecting Blueprint. This is a true trailblazing blueprint that will set me up for success again next year thanks to this actionable advice and pragmatic masterpiece. Whether you are new in a sales role or already a veteran, you will get immense value from this blueprint if you are willing to plan ahead to make 2023 your best year 🚀

Nicolas Schindler, Strategic Account Executive @Remote

Before Christian's course I only managed to achieve 83% to quota in Q1. Implementing Christian's Blueprint resulted in a 133% Q2, and I've just closed out Q3 with 277% NBM acceptance and a whopping 550% for activated pipeline. So, thank you for sharing with the broader sales community to help us newer sales people adjust our mindset and tactics to succeed!

Harry Bennett, Commercial AE @Harness

As a new external SDR coming in from more of a B2C background I found this course to be very simple and easy to follow. The 8 step framework really helps improve the quality of the lead flow coming in to allow you to filter better and spend more time doing meaningful work! The first 4 steps are very relevant to the SDR role, seeing what prospects make for good leads, how to reach out to them to get a response and focusing on the buyer centric messaging is crucial for understanding and engaging the modern customer journey.

Alan O'Connor, SDR at Salesforce